Backup & DR

Backup & Disaster Recovery

Downtime can cost millions of dollars to your business. Moreover it impacts the good-will that your business has been creating among the customers for the past years. This is the reason why you require disaster recovery in place.

Disaster Recovery is the replication of the physical or virtual servers from where it is hosted to an off-site location to provide immediate recovery at near-zero losses in the event of a man-made or natural catastrophe. DevOpSpace help customers have the DR environment designed and setup on cloud, based on their business requirements. Our experts can help you setup the cloud DR environment on AWS or Azure.

There are many types of DR available – backup as a service, cold DR, warm DR & hot DR. Based on your business criticality, any of these types can be choosen. DevOpSpace helps not just in setting up the DR environment, but also monitors and manages the environment continuously. Our team will work along with you to understand and define the criticality and workload dependencies and create a runbook as a part of management.

Why DevOpSpace?

Professional cloud experts who can provide you the right solution, always!

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